Hot Water Springs,Mahapelessa,Sooriyaweva,Sri Lanka

Natural hot springs are located in three areas of Sri Lanka. First is the hot spring nestling in the eastern province at Kanniya - off the Trincomalee-Anuradhapura road , while the next is at Maha Oya (also in the eastern province) on the Badulla-Batticaloa road and finally the third one is in Mahapelessa, lying in the deep south of the Hambantota district. The world over such hot springs were named as healing mineral thermal waters.

The reason being that these thermal waters contain medicinal properties to cure ailments like skin eruptions and other rheumatic pains. Even our ancients, particularly the Buddhist monks living in ancient cave hermitages had made the best use of these healing hot springs for body and skin ailments.

Till the emergence of the Uda Walawe multi-purpose project in 1962/63, the Mahapelessa hot springs was unknown.Under the Uda Walawe project the whole of the Walawe basin got transformed into a vast developed area teeming with multitudes of farming communities filled with sprawling rice fields, a network of agro-based industries, and still another network of roads ramifying in connecting with the main trunk roads.

The other route was an adventurous one off its beaten track by crossing the Walawe ganga by boat through Liyanagastota irrigation anicut and landing at Begigamtota. From there the hike is 2-3 miles through the forest glades of groves of Jule trees (Woodapple).In these by-gone years over half a century ago, Mahapelessa hot springs was sunk in the labyrinth of the jungle tide. It was then accessible through the hard terrain of Ambalantota-Ridiyagama government farm, via the Madunagala Aranne (the ancient forest hermitage). From there one had to trudge by foot about three miles.

The famed literary scholar cum Assistant Government Agent - Leonard Woolf (1908-11) of Hambantota district, in his printed diaries had mentioned the arduous trek how he had hacked through the dense jungle to reach Mahapelessa hot springs after crossing the Walawe ganga by boat at Bogigmatota.

Embilipitiya is the metropolis of the Walawe project. It has now blossomed from a sleepy hamlet into a boom town linked by trunk roads to other cities like Galle, Matara-Ambalantata-Hambantota-Tissamaharama-Kataragama and even to Wellawaya.

Hence during its constructions spearheaded by the River Valleys Development Board, Sooriyaweva (about 10 miles from Embilipitiya) has become the hub of the left bank region of the Uda Walawe reservoir. To reach Mahapelessa, one access road is through Sooriyaweva.

From there lies the Viharahagala branch irrigation channel bund road - now converted into a fine carpet road - deviating from Padalangala (about 7 miles from Embilipitiya) that leads to Sooriyaweva and Mirijjavila (close to Hambantota), to fall into its main highway of Tissamaharama highway. From Embilipitiya to Sooriyaweva is 10 miles.

From this carpet road leading to Mirijjavila via Sooriyaweva, close to its 6th kilometre post (from Padalangala on the Nonagama highway), lies the access road to Mahapelessa hot springs running into about 6 kilometres on a gravelled roadway. From Mirijjavila to Mahapelessa on this carpet road is about 25 miles.

Dr. R. L. Brohier in his 'Seeing Ceylon' has spun a thrilling but fascinating tale that the elephants, when they were in dotage, went to breathe their last at this Mahapelessa hot springs!

Elephants even now roam around this Mahapelessa area of the human and farming settlements causing damage to crops, human habitations and even loss to human lives.

During the dry season, in the past, baby elephants were in the habit of falling into the hotwells, when they came for water by accident.

Hence to avert such fatal accidents, the Mahaweli Authority (Walawe special area) based at Embilipitiya (presently in overseeing this Walawe basin area) in the 1980s had got the periphery of the walls of the hot springs raised and two separate partitions were also made to cater to males and females. Thereafter, no such elephant tragedies had happened.

The first well contains the original hot springs where the water is fairly hot. A pipe had been constructed from the original well to feed second well where the water is lukewarm.

Hot Water

Villagers say that when rice was cooked from the hot water obtained from its original well, it waters act as a preservative against the cooked rice getting stale quickly.

Leonard Woolf had recorded the chemical properties of the hot water springs of Mahapelessa. Its diary entry of 1.8.1910, says thus: "...I sent water from the spring to the Government Analyst. His report is thus: "Total solids 534 parts per 10,000; chlorine: 248.0 -do-; lime: 95.0 -do-; Nitrates: Nil. Sulphates: present (small). The water contains high properties of lime (including magnesium), but otherwise does not appear remarkable."

In the vicinity of the Mahapelessa hot springs, there are two ancient rock cave hermitages coming down from time immemorial. These are namely, Madunagala and Karambagala Arannes. In ancient times Arahants (highest sages), had lived in those rock cave shelters tucked away in these two ancient monasteries - Madunagala and Karambagala.

Such Arahants and Buddhist recluse monks had exclusively made the best use of these thermal healing waters to cure varied ailments arising out of rheumatic pains and other skin eruptions. Those Arahants and Buddhist hermit monks there had regular hot water baths at Mahapelessa hot springs. Even visitors from home and abroad have their hot water baths. With the new road linking Mahapelessa along the carpet road of Padalangala-Sooriya Weva-Mirijjavila there have been an influx of tourists both local and foreign.

In foreign countries like Russia and Siberia where such thermal sprigs are located, senatorial, spa wells have been constructed. Even at such sanatoria, bath indoor and outdoor treatment are afforded to such patients seeking thermal treatment.

It is gratifying to note that from recent times, the Southern Provincial Council in collaboration with the Hambantota Pradeshiya Saba have risen to the occasion in getting such a complex established where presently construction works are going headway.

Its entire complex as envisaged in their plans would consist of a Spa, a sanatorium, bath tubs, concrete seats (to be constructed around the periphery of the Hotsprings), provide both indoor and outdoor patients suffering from such disorders like rheumatism, skin diseases and the like. Local medicinal plants and herbs would be used in the preparation of the prescribed medicines.

Both the University authorities of Peradeniya and Moratuwa had done extensive research studies into the analytical compounds of the Mahapelessa hot springs in 1998.

The Peradeniya University team was led by Professor S.P. Dissanayaka, while that of the Moratuwa University by Professor Dayantha Wijesekera. Such research activities were co-ordinated by the academic staff drawn from the Edinborough University, as well.

According to this research paper by these teams, it has been disclosed that for one minute duration, 10 litres of geo-thermal energy could be produced. In these revelations, mention has also being made that 11 such hot springs have been identified which are located in this very thermal underground geo-belt, covering the other two well known two hotsprings at Kanniya (in Tricomalee), and at Maha Oya off the Batticaloa - Badulla road.

Some time back, it was reported that the Army stationed in Trincomalee had stumbled upon still another hotspring in the outskirts of Truncomalee.

The gravelled access road leading to the Mahapelessa hotsprings off the main road of Padlanddla Sooriya Weva-Mirijavila during the rainy season gets flooded leaving pot holes.

Hence this access gravelled road has to be metalled. Construction of suitable culverts, particulary close to the entrance to the hotsprings too have to be done, as the small causeway constructed across the flowing stream is subjected to flooding during the rainy season.

With the forthcoming tourist complex looming over the hot springs of Mahapelessa, the villagers around its vicinity are having brisk sales of their hard earned chena produce and other cereal products.

Among them are green peas, cow-pea, Indian corn (Badainguru), ground nuts (rata kaju), kurakkan (in packets), Next come local fruits like mangoes, papaw, water solon, local vegetables, drumsticks (murunga),

The children display an array of ornamental grass pieces festooned with tiny flowers to be adorned in city houses in the drawing rooms. Dried beli flowers picketed are also available for sale. Instant herbal drinks made out of these beli mal (flowers) are also ready at hand.

These vendors drawn from women, damsels and even children have said that they are economically benefitted by their sales to the tourists.

The elders on the other hand voiced that tourism promotion work was good for the betterment of earning some extra income. But they cautioned that the authorities concerned should be vigilant over the potential evils of corruption that may creep in surreptiously.

They contended that immoral activities like child prostitution may raise its ugly head, when foreign tourists move about around this place, as have already perpetrated into other tourist resorts like Hikkaduwa, Negombo and Chilaw.

Both the incumbents of the Madunagala Aranne and Karabagala Aranne expressed their reservations about the new tourist boom contended that is going to overtake at Mahapelessa hot springs, as the youths are still unspoilt in their morals.

Hence they opined that both the Palath Saba and Pradeshiya Saba of the Hambantota district take stringent measures to stem such nefarious activities taking place, in collaboration with the Sooriya Weva Police which is located about three miles away.

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